How to Prevent Earwigs


Earwigs are a type of beetle with a long thorax and abdominal pincers. They are common in Colorado and tend to become prevalent in the spring and summer. While they don’t actually go inside ears, they’re still an unwelcome pest. Preventing earwigs from being in, or around your home is doable. Bee Smart Pest Control is an expert at pest prevention and has the tips you need so you’ll know how to prevent earwigs.

Remove Vegetation

Earwigs, like most pests, like to live in and around vegetation. Making sure to keep the plants around your home trimmed properly is the first step to preventing earwigs. Keep dead vegetation like mulch at least six to twelve inches from your home’s foundation. Piles of wood and leaves are an excellent place for earwigs to live, so try to avoid having them. Try to keep trees and bushes trimmed to limit the number of shady or damp areas around your house. By preventing earwigs from being able to hide, they’ll be less inclined to stick around your property.

Seal Your Home

It may seem like a simple idea, but making sure your home doesn’t allow pests to enter may be a more difficult task than you’d think. Earwigs, like most pests, excel at squeezing through the smallest of cracks and holes to get into your home. Look around your house, especially around its foundation. Seal up any cracks, gaps, or holes you can find. You can use caulk to seal any entrances you find. Window and door screens should also be checked. Small tears in screens are susceptible to earwigs entry. You can also install door sweeps to prevent anything from being able to get under your doors.

Reduce Moisture

Earwigs tend to flock around sources of moisture. If you have anything in your yard that holds moisture consider getting rid of it. Try to replace mulch with a dry alternative. Your gutters and drain pipes may be full, causing water to spread close to your home that earwigs will come to. Also, make sure your drain pipes lead water at least a foot away from your house. Inside your home, you can add fans, dehumidifiers, or vapor barriers to reduce the moisture in the air. Earwigs don’t feel welcome in dry environments. Also, be sure to check for any leaky pipes. Any areas that water can pool can become a spot for earwigs to gather.

Call a Professional

Earwigs have the ability to bite and carry harmful bacteria. They aren’t a welcome guest around your home. If you’ve tried these prevention techniques and you are still getting earwigs in and around your home, or if it’s too late and you have an infestation on your hands, don’t stress. Contact Bee Smart Pest Control online, or call us at 720-937-0527. Our professionals will not only be able to identify your problem but come up with a personalized solution for you and your home. We also only use safe chemicals while treating your home to keep your family, and ours, safe. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have a problem, we’d love to help you!