How to Prevent Ants Around Your Home


Ants are some of the most common pests in all of Colorado. In fact, there are more than 170 different species of ants native to Colorado. The colonies they live in can house tens of thousands of ants, which would love to enter your house in droves. Once ants enter the home, they become increasingly difficult to exterminate. Bee Smart Pest Control is here to help with some useful tips to prevent ants from entering your home in the first place. As with most solutions in life, an ounce of prevention is more effective than a pound of cure. This old sentiment holds true when trying to prevent ants from getting a foothold in your home.

Keep Surfaces Clean

This first tip is perhaps the single most important thing you can do to keep your home ant-free. The big reason ants want to move in is so they can eat your food. By having crumbs, spills, and left-overs out you could be inadvertently inviting in unwanted guests. Make sure to wash your dishes right after meals. Unwashed dishes have residue that could easily be used for an ant’s next meal. Also, make sure to vacuum and sweep. Ensuring there are no crumbs on the floor or on the carpet goes a long way. You can eliminate another food source by cleaning up sweet/sticky substances that result from spills around your home. Make sure to clean up any spills with cleaning supplies or white vinegar and water to prevent ant attraction.

Use Sealed Containers

Restricting an ant colony’s food source is the best way to prevent them from trying to invade. With that being said, another prevention technique is to store all food in sealed, airtight containers. All food, for both pets and humans, can attract ants. By sealing away the food source, you’re successfully halting any ants from wanting to invade.

Prevent Ants From Entering

Another step you can take after you ensure that there’s no food for the ants is to prevent their access into your house at all. The goal is to stop scout ants from searching your home for food, to begin with. Look around your home for possible entrances an ant could use. Look for cracks around windows and doors, even around your home’s foundation. Use caulk and seal these cracks so ants can’t use them as a gateway. Watch your seals and replace the caulk as needed to ensure a tight seal. Also, ensure the perimeter of your home is free of anthills.

Perhaps the best way to prevent ants from entering your home is to create a pest control barrier around your home. Bee Smart Pest Control offers preventative maintenance that includes creating a barrier around your home that will help kill ants as they enter your home. This gives you the peace of mind that if a spill happens inside your home and you don’t clean it up right away, the likelihood of ants infesting your home is dramatically decreased.

Call a Professional

If you’ve tried these prevention techniques and you are still getting ants in your home, or if it’s too late and you have an infestation on your hands, don’t stress. Contact Bee Smart Pest Control online, or call us at 720-937-0527. Our professionals will not only be able to identify your problem but come up with a personalized solution for you and your home. We also only use safe chemicals while treating your home to keep your family, and ours, safe. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have a problem, we’d love to help you!