How Do I Get Rid of Rats in My Home?

How Do I Get Rid of Rats in My Home?

No one wants unexpected guests, especially during the holidays. The worst kind of guest is pests, like rats. Rats would love nothing more than to move in and make your home into their home. If you have rats or are worried about getting rats, you may be wondering “how do I get rid of rats in my home?”

Preventing Rodents from Getting in Your Home

The best way to not have rats in your home is to prevent them entirely. Once rats have invaded it can be difficult to remove them. If it’s not too late and you don’t have an infestation yet, it’s probably a good idea to use some prevention techniques.

Block Their Entrances

The best way to prevent rats is to stop them from even entering your home. Check the outside of your home for any holes. Holes in your foundation, or even around pipes can all serve as highways for rats. You’ll also want to check for rips and tears in screens, as well as consider installing door sweeps. If the hole is the size of a quarter then a rat may be able to enter through it. You also should check vents, drins, and appliance lines as rats can come through those as well.

Seal Any Food Sources

Rats want somewhere safe to stay that has food sources. Stop them from wanting to come in by not giving them food sources. Get a sealed plastic container for food you keep in your cabinets, as well as for any pet food. Always put away your pets Make sure to quickly clean up any spills or crumbs, as pests can easily utilize those as food as well.

Clean Up Any Clutter

Rats like to nest in cluttered areas and use those areas to hide as well as gather materials if they’re nesting in other places. Straightening up attics, basements, and garages can help prevent rats from wanting to stay. Try to store things in plastic bins, as cardboard boxes can be broken into as well as used for nesting material.

Baits and Traps

If you already have rats you can try using baits and traps to get rid of them. Baits take a while to work since rats tend to be wary of new foods. They’re designed to wait until the rat shows the new food source to the whole colony, then become effective to wipe them out. Traps prevent the rats from moving and come in lethal and non-lethal varieties. Baits and traps are typically not entirely effective and aren’t suited for infestations.

Call a Professional

The best way to get rid of rats in your home is to call a professional. Pest control experts can determine where the rats are entering and living. Then they can quickly and effectively wipe out the rodent population, cleaning out your home entirely. They can also create a barrier around your house that rats won’t enter.

If you have rats or want to prevent rats, Bee Smart Pest Control can help. Bee Smart Pest Control can create a barrier around your home that will prevent rodents from entering it. If you think you might have a rodent problem or want to prevent them from coming inside this winter, Contact Bee Smart Pest Control online, or call us at 720-937-0527. Our professionals will not only be able to identify where in your home rodents are getting in but come up with a personalized preventative solution for you and your home. We also only use safe chemicals while treating your home to keep your family, and ours, safe. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you want the peace of mind that being pest-free brings, we’d love to help you!