What’s the Difference Between Mice and Rats?

What’s the Difference Between Mice and Rats?

Many rodents share similar traits. That can’t be more prevalent between two rodents than between mice and rats. If you have a rodent infestation, you may not be able to immediately tell the difference between mice and rats. So, what’s the difference between mice and rats?


The most obvious thing about mice compared to rats is their size. Mice are much smaller than rats. Mice are usually between three and ten centimeters long. They also have large ears and tend to be lighter in color than rats. The eating ability of mice is smaller than that of rats, but they poop about twice as much as rats do. Mice also have very large heads and feet compared to their bodies.


Rats are much larger than their mice cousins, coming in between 16 and 40 centimeters. They have thick, hairless tails that are different than the thin tails that mice sport. They also eat much more than mice. While they poop less, around 40 times a day to a mouse 80 times a day, they have larger poop. Rats also typically have ears that are smaller on their heads.

Preventing Rodents from Getting in Your Home

If you’re trying to prevent rodents from entering, the best way is to close off all entries. Caulk any exterior holes possible. Anything as small as a dime is a possible candidate for mouse entry, but to be safe all holes should be filled. Screens should be inspected for damage and repaired. You may want to install screens on windows that don’t have any. Installing door sweeps can also prevent mice from going under the doors, as well as keep the heat inside. While these preventative measures are helpful, your best bet is to call a professional.

Call a Professional

Mice are smaller, with large ears and long, thin tails. Rats are much larger, with shorter and thicker tails as well as smaller ears. Rats also tend to be darker colors than mice, typically blacks and dark browns. Mice tend to be light brown with gray stomachs. Both species would love to move into your house and make it their new home. They both can breed at astonishing rates and poop many times a day. An infestation from any rodent is bad news.

No matter what rodents are harassing you, Bee Smart Pest Control can help. Bee Smart Pest Control can create a barrier around your home that will prevent rodents from entering it. If you think you might have a rodent problem or want to prevent them from coming inside this winter, Contact Bee Smart Pest Control online, or call us at 720-937-0527. Our professionals will not only be able to identify where in your home rodents are getting in but come up with a personalized preventative solution for you and your home. We also only use safe chemicals while treating your home to keep your family, and ours, safe. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you want the peace of mind that being pest-free brings, we’d love to help you!