How to Prevent Wasps


With warmer weather comes pests that are ready to move in for the summer. Wasps aren’t active during the cooler weather, but as spring heats up, they go on the move. No one wants a summer guest that can sting you or your family, as well as do damage to your home. Once wasps move in, their nests can quickly grow to two hundred wasps! Bee Smart Pest Control has the information you need so you’ll know how to prevent wasps from being unwanted house guests this summer.

Seal Up Your Home

Wasps are always looking for two things, food, and shelter. Making your home somewhere they can’t stay prevents them from nesting. Look around your home for any cracks, gaps, holes, torn screens, or damaged vents. Anywhere a wasp may be able to enter. Don’t assume a hole is too small! Wasps excel at squeezing themselves into any place they want to be. Seal up any entrances you find so wasps can’t get in. Look around your yard for holes in the ground as well. Some wasps, especially yellowjackets, nest in the ground. Removing all opportunities to nest is a major step when wondering how to prevent wasps.

Remove Sources of Food

If there is no available food, no pests will want to hang around. Wasps are opportunistic hunters, but also known foragers. This means not only do they hunt down insects, but they will gladly feast on any food you leave behind. They’ll go through your trash and search your yard for any morsels left out. Make sure your trash cans are closed with lids. Also, make sure your trash cans don’t have any holes a wasp could crawl into. If you host any outdoor activities, make sure to clean up afterward. Any dropped food or spilled liquids can attract wasps. Fruit-bearing trees can also provide ample food for wasps. Once the fruit becomes over-ripe wasps will flock to them.

Making sure the area around your house has nothing wasps can forage is only half the battle, however. Wasps are also effective hunters that love to prey on any insects they can find. If your home or the area around your home has several pests already, it makes your home even more popular for wasps. Make sure to call a professional if you notice an infestation of any pest because it could lead to wasps.

Remove Standing Water

Unfortunately, so are wasps and these areas become dangerous, instead of a place of comfort and shelter. This means anything from a dog’s water dish left outside or a child’s pool to the moisture trapped in dirty gutters creates the perfect home for wasps. Our pest control experts recommend addressing areas where standing water exists. During the hot summer months, pets, children, and adults are drawn to cooler areas with water.

Call a Professional

If you’ve tried these prevention techniques and you are still getting wasps in and around your home, or if it’s too late and you have an infestation on your hands, don’t stress. Contact Bee Smart Pest Control online, or call us at 720-937-0527. Our professionals will not only be able to identify your problem but come up with a personalized solution for you and your home. We also only use safe chemicals while treating your home to keep your family, and ours, safe. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have a problem, we’d love to help you!